
Q24. What evidence must an applicant for E-2 CNMI Investor provide?

E-2 CNMI投資家の申請者はどんな証拠を用意しなくてはなりませんか?


A24. All documentation previously submitted in each investor application to the CNMI government should be submitted as part of each E-2 CNMI petition to USCIS.

CNMI 政府への各投資家申請で以前提出されたすべての証拠書類が、USCISへのE-2 CNMI請願それぞれの一部として提出されねばなりません。




A valid unexpired foreign passport; and



A properly endorsed CNMI admission document (e.g., entry permit, entry certificate or foreign investor visa) with a period of validity that includes Nov. 28, 2009.



Individuals with a CNMI-issued foreign investor entry permit or long-term business entry permit



An applicant with a CNMI-issued foreign investor entry permit or long-term business entry permit must submit evidence to show that he or she has maintained his or her investment with the E-2 CNMI Investor application. This evidence could include:

CNMIによって発行された外国人投資家入国許可証、あるいは長期のビジネス入国許可証を持っている申請者は、彼あるいは彼女がE-2 CNMI投資家申請で彼、あるいは彼女の投資を維持したことを示す証拠を提出しなくてはなりません。



An approval letter issued by the CNMI government;

CNMI 政府によって発行された承認書簡;


Evidence that capital has been invested, such as bank statements, receipts or contracts for assets purchased, stock purchase transaction records, loan or other borrowing agreements, land leases, financial statements, business gross tax receipts, or other agreements supporting the application;



Evidence that the applicant has invested at least the minimum amount required, such as evidence of assets purchased or property transferred from abroad for use in the enterprise, evidence of monies transferred or committed to be transferred to the new or existing enterprise in exchange for shares of stock, any loan or mortgage, promissory note, security agreement or other evidence of borrowing secured by assets of the applicant;



A comprehensive business plan for new enterprises;



Articles of incorporation, by-laws, partnership agreements, joint venture agreements, corporate minutes and annual reports, affidavits, declarations or certifications of paid-in capital;



Current business licenses;



Foreign business registration records, recent tax returns of any kind, evidence of other sources of capital;



A listing of all resident and nonresident employees;



A listing of all holders of business certificates for the business establishment; or



A listing of all corporations in which the applicant has a controlling interest.



For the holder of a certificate of foreign investment, copies of annual reports of investment activities in the CNMI showing that the certificate holder is under continuing compliance with the standards required. Each report must be accompanied by an annual financial audit report performed by an independent certified public accountant.





CNMI退職者投資家がE-2 CNMI投資家ステータスの彼らの申請で以下のものを提出しなければなりません:


Proof that the foreign applicant has an interest in property in the CNMI, such as a lease agreement;



Proof of the value of that property, such as an appraisal; and



Proof of any improvements to the property, which could include receipts or invoices of the costs of construction, the amount paid for a preexisting structure, or an appraisal of improvements.



Q25. When can individuals apply for E-2 CNMI Investor status?

個人はいつE-2 CNMI投資家ステータスを申し込むことができますか?


A25. Petitions for E-2 CNMI Investor status may be filed on Jan. 18, 2011. Any petitions received prior to Jan. 18, 2011 will be rejected. E-2 CNMI investors may apply for changes of status to any other nonimmigrant or immigrant visa classifications for which they may qualify anytime during the transition period.

E-2 CNMI投資家ステータスの請願は2011118日に提出することができます。2011118日前に受け取ったいかなる請願も拒絶されるでしょう。E-2 CNMI投資家は移行期間の間のいつでも資格が与えられるイミグラント種別ビザ、あるいは他のノン・イミグラントに対するステータスの変更も申請できます。


Q26. What is the final date that initial petitions will be accepted for the E-2 CNMI Investor visa?

E-2 CNMI投資家ビザの初期請願が受け入れられる最終の日はいつですか?


A26. The final acceptable filing date for initial E-2 CNMI investor petitions will be Jan. 18, 2013.

初期E-2 CNMI投資家請願を最終受理できる書類整理日付は2013118日になるでしょう。



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