
Q15. Which CNMI Investor categories are not eligible for E-2 CNMI Investor status under the rule?



A15. Other investors, including the following, are not eligible for this E-2 visa under the final rule:



The sub-category of the retiree investor specifically limited to Japanese retirees;



Short-term business entry permits; and



Regular-term business entry permits.



Q16. Why is the sub-category of the retiree investor specifically limited to Japanese retirees not eligible for E-2 investor status?



A16. The rule does not consider this category eligible, as these individuals do not classify as “long-term investors.” The CNMI permit for the two-year program for Japanese retirees is nonrenewable and only requires monthly rental payments rather than long-term investment.

これらの個人が「長期の投資家」として分類しないように、この規則はこのカテゴリーが適格であると考えていません。日本の退職者のための2年のプログラムのCNMI 許可証は更新不可能であって、長期の投資より、むしろ毎月のレンタルの支払いを必要とするだけです。


Q17. What can these Japanese retirees do once their permit expires?



A17. By Nov. 27, 2011, or the expiration of the Japanese retiree investor’s CNMI-issued permit (whichever occurs first), the individual must depart the CNMI unless he or she applies for and is eligible to remain in the CNMI under another lawful status.



Q18. Why are individuals with short-term and regular-term business entry permits not eligible for E-2 investor status?



A18. Foreign nationals lawfully admitted under the CNMI short-term business entry permit or the regular-term business entry permit categories are not eligible because these permits are not long-term and they do not require investments.



Q19. If individuals with short-term and regular-term business entry permits are not eligible for an E-2 CNMI Investor visa, what can they do?

もし短期の、そして通常期間のビジネスエントリー許可証を持っている個人がE-2 CNMI投資家ビザの資格を有さないなら、彼らはどうすればよいですか?


A19. Individuals with short-term and regular-term business entry permits will not be eligible to obtain the E-2 CNMI Investor visa and therefore must depart the CNMI at the expiration of their CNMI issued status or Nov. 27, 2011, whichever occurs first OR apply for and obtain another immigrant or nonimmigrant classification under the INA that permits them to remain in the CNMI.

短期の、そして通常期間のビジネスエントリー許可証を持っている個人は、E-2 CNMI投資家ビザを得る資格がないでしょう。従って、どちらが最初に起こるとしても、支給された彼らのCNMIのステータス期限、あるいは20111127日に、CNMIを去るか、彼らがCNMIに残留することを妨げない別のINA下の移民、あるいはノン・イミグラント種別を申請し、取得しなければなりません。


Q20. Will foreigners who had pending CNMI Investor applications on Nov. 28, 2009, be eligible for the new E-2 CNMI Investor status?

20091128日に、審議中のCNMI投資家申請書を持っていた外国人は新しいE-2CNMI 投資家ステータスの資格を有するでしょうか?


A20. Foreign nationals who were not admitted as eligible CNMI investors prior to the beginning of the transition period are not eligible for classification as E-2 CNMI nonimmigrant investors. Therefore, individuals who had investor applications pending with the CNMI as of the transition program effective date are not eligible for E-2 CNMI Investor status.

移行期間開始前に適格なCNMI投資家として受け入れられなかった他国籍市民は、E-2 CNMI ノン・イミグラント投資家として分類の資格を有しません。


Q21. Is an individual with an approved investor application eligible for E-2 CNMI Investor status?

認可された投資家申請を持つ個人はE-2 CNMI投資家ステータスの資格を有しますか?


A21. An individual who was not admitted as an eligible CNMI investor prior to Nov. 28, 2009, is not eligible for classification as E-2 CNMI nonimmigrant investor. Therefore, an individual who has an approved investor application but was not admitted to the CNMI as of the transition program effective date is not eligible for E-2 CNMI Investor status.

20091128日前に、適格なCNMI投資家として受け入れられなかった個人は、E-2 CNMI ノン・イミグラント投資家として種別の資格を有しません。そのために認可された投資家申請を持っていても、移行プログラムの有効な日付の時点でCNMIへの入国を認められなかった個人はE-2 CNMI投資家ステータスの資格を有しません。


Q22. What does the E-2 CNMI Investor visa requirement “continuous maintenance of residence” mean? What if an investor travels regularly outside CNMI?

E-2 CNMI投資家ビザの必要条件「居住の絶え間がない維持管理」は何を意味しますか?もし投資家が規則的にCNMIの外に旅行するならどうなりますか?


A22. “Continuous maintenance of residence in the CNMI” means residence in the CNMI from the date that an individual obtained his or her CNMI status through the date on which USCIS grants the new E-2 CNMI Investor status. This is not the same as continuous physical presence; therefore, an investor does not need to remain in the CNMI for the entire period in order to have maintained continuous residence. The rule provides, however, that an investor must be physically present in the CNMI for at least half the time for which continuous residence is required. Additionally, an individual will not maintain continuous residence if he or she leaves the CNMI for more than one year or leaves the CNMI for more than six months and cannot demonstrate that he or she did not abandon his or her residence by this absence.

CNMIでの居住の絶え間がない維持管理」は個人が、彼、あるいは彼女のCNMI ステータスを得た日付から、USCISが新しいE-2 CNMI投資家ステータスを与える日付まで、CNMIでの居住を意味します。これは継続する身体的状態と同じものではありません;ですから、投資家が全期間を継続して居住を維持するためにCNMIに残留する必要はありません。この規則は、しかしながら、投資家が身体的に継続する居住が(そのために)必要とされる時間の少なくとも2分の1の間、CNMIに存在していなければならないことを規定します。さらに、もし彼あるいは彼女が1年以上の間、CNMIを離れているか、あるいは6カ月以上の間CNMIを離れているままであれば、この個人は継続する居住を維持することにはならず、また、彼あるいは彼女がこの欠如によって彼、あるいは彼女の住宅を見捨てなかったと明示することはできません。


Q23. Can an investor lose his or her status?



A23. Yes, an investor could lose immigration status if he or she does not maintain the investment(s) that formed the basis for admission. To establish that an investor is maintaining the investment or investments that formed the basis for admission to the CNMI, the rule requires each applicant to provide specific evidence demonstrating that the investor is in compliance with the terms upon which the CNMI investor certificate was issued. Additionally, as previously mentioned, an investor can lose immigration status is he or she does not maintain continuous residence in the CNMI.




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