The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is creating a new, temporary, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI)-only transitional worker classification (CW classification) in accordance with title VII of the Consolidated Natural Resources Act of 2008 (CNRA).
The transitional worker program is intended to provide for an orderly transition from the CNMI permit system to the U.S. Federal immigration system under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).
移行労働者プログラムはイミグレーション(移住)と国籍法令(INA)の下で CNMI許可証システムから米国の連邦イミグレーション・システムに整然とした移行を提供するように意図されています。
A CW transitional worker is an alien worker who is ineligible for another classification under the INA and who performs services or labor for an employer in the CNMI.
The CNRA imposes a 5-year transition period before the INA requirements become fully applicable in the CNMI.
The new CW classification will be in effect for the duration of that transition period, unless extended by the Secretary of Labor.
The rule also establishes employment authorization incident to CW status.
この規則はまた、CW ステータスに付随する雇用認可も確立します。
Statement of need
Title VII of the Consolidated Natural Resources Act of 2008 (CNRA) created a new, temporary, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI)-only transitional worker classification.
2008年の整理統合される天然資源法令(CNRA)のTitle VIIの主張は、新しい、一時的な、北マリアナ諸島連邦(CNMI)限定の移行労働者種別(分類)を作りました。
The transitional worker program is intended to provide for an orderly transition from the CNMI permit system to the U.S. Federal immigration system under the Immigration and Nationality Act.
Costs and Benefits
The employers/petitioners for each of the estimated 22,000 CNMI transitional workers will be required to pay a $325 fee per year, for an annualized cost to the affected public of $7 million.
However, since these workers will not have to pay CNMI fees, the total present value costs of this rule are a net cost savings ranging from $9.8 million to $13.4 million depending on the validity period of CW status (1 or 2 years), whether out-of-status aliens present in the CNMI are eligible for CW status, and the discount rate applied.
どんなに、これらの労働者がCNMI料金を支払わなくてもよいため、この規則の全体の現在の価値経費は980万ドルから1,340万ドルまで及ぶ原価(コスト)節約であるとしても、 CWステータスの有効期間(1年あるいは2年)によって、ステータスから外れているか否かにかかわらず、 CNMIに存在している外国人はCWステータスの資格を有します、そして割引率が適用されました。
The intended benefits of the rule include improvements in national and homeland security and protection of human rights.